Yesterday, the Winter Olympics officially opened, but not without some difficulties. One was obviously the death of Georgian luger Nodar Kumaritashvili, which prompted the Olympic officials to move the men’s luge starting point to the women’s in hopes of slowing down speeds. The second was one of the four pillars that were to help light the Olympic cauldron having mechanical difficulties. All in all though, I think everyone was pleased that this Opening Ceremony wasn’t just an attempt to make the host country look perfect (ahem, Beijing…).
The Olympics are one of my favorite sporting spectacles to watch. I’ve decided to put together a list of five reasons why I love the Winter Olympics. Some of these reasons may surprise you, too.
5. Sports with Speed
Step aside, 100 meter dash. The Winter Olympics feature the bobsled, luge, and speed-skating events. If you like speed, then you’ve got lots of options with the Winter Games. Plus, when is the last time you saw a sprinter slip and fall 30 meters from winning a medal, as two South Korean speed-skaters did in the 1500 meter race? That’s drama, ladies and gentlemen.
4. Special Interest Pieces
Okay, maybe NBC could cut down a little on the special interest pieces. For the most part though, I like hearing about how these Olympics are redemption for stars like Lindsey Jacobellis, and how Bode Miller goes all out so that he enjoys skiing, even if that means he doesn’t win everything. These special interest stories inspire people, and make us want these athletes to do all the better because we feel like we know what they went through to get to where they are.
3. Tanith Belbin
Honestly, she’s the only reason why I’ll watch ice dancing. The only reason.
2. God is Back
No, I don’t mean the big guy upstairs. I mean Morgan Freeman. Everyone knows that with the Olympics come the Visa “Go World” commercials. I love his voice, and his commercials are one of the reasons I don’t like to channel surf when NBC goes on a commercial break. Some of those commercials give me the chills; they’re that good.
1. Country Pride
It’s fun to argue about which of our favorite professional sports teams are the best. During the Olympics, however, the whole nation rallies around one team. Nation pride is what it’s all about, and that’s what makes the Olympics so great. These are the best athletes in the world in their respective sports, and watching an athlete drape the stars and stripes around them is just as good as any of my favorite teams winning the World Series, NCAA tournament, or any other championship.
Love something else about the Olympics? Let me know by dropping me an email at I’d love to hear your thoughts. Also, thanks to anyone who is taking time out of their day to read my work. I really appreciate it.
– K. Becks
I would say your humor is immature, childish, and on the level of a 7th grader… which is why I like it. Keep it up.
dear K. Becks
I hope you fall down a flight of stairs
thank you,
that is all