After nearly two weeks of great competition, the Olympic Winter Games came to an end two nights ago. There were triumphs, heartbreaks, comeback stories, and an early tragedy that helped make this a unforgettable Olympics.
In the end, I believe that it was one of the best Olympics that I have ever witnessed. Sure, I haven’t witnessed all that many, but I think even older individuals agree that these Games featured everything that we expect when we watch the world compete. Also, I think the Games were capped off well, too. Call me un-American, but Canada winning the gold in hockey was icing on the cake for these Games. I would have liked to see the United States win, but the jubilation and happiness that the Canadian fans showed after that game was terrific. The U.S. team has nothing to be ashamed about, either. Not only did they beat the Canadians once, but they played them heads up for the entirety of the rematch. In my opinion, that game (and the entire tournament, really) will benefit the NHL and hockey as a whole. Many casual fans, after watching that epic final, will tune in to hockey more often. The step the NHL now needs to take is to get their marquee games on channels that the general public has access to.
Most of the time, I get upset when things such as the Olympics come to a close. However, it’s March now, and that can only mean one thing: college basketball. Lots of it. I’m one of those guys that not only watch the NCAA Tournament, but the conference tournaments as well. Getting me away from a TV during this time of year would be extremely difficult if it weren’t for the fact that I don’t lift. I figure if I have the endurance to run away from anyone bigger than me, what’s the point in lifting? Yes, I am joking.
So, starting this coming Saturday (I won’t have access to a computer for the next few days), I will be posting a lot of entries concerning all things basketball. I’ve been ready for March since the first tipoff in November. Hopefully I can help you get ready, too.
On a side note, I was listening to the Ohio State game on the way home from my game, and I heard the announcer say that Mark Titus entered the game. Mark is one of the reasons that I started this blog, as he has one of his own that happens to be very humorous. The reason that this is relevant is that not only did he record a “trillion”, but he was playing with a torn labrum (he is scheduled to have surgery this Thursday). Congratulations to Mark for ending his Senior Night right, and the best of luck to him in his future endeavors (one of which I’m sure is to continue writing the blog).
On a second side not, you may have noticed that my title for this entry looks like it could have been written by a fourteen year old girl in a text message. The reason for this is that I’m not sure if the original spelling is copyrighted, as the Russian athletes were holding up scarves with the phrase during the Closing Ceremonies. Then again, since I only have about five frequent readers anyway, I’m probably not in any danger of being sued.
– K. Becks